TUM Templates for Typst

Inoficial TUM Templates for Typst. Based on the LaTex4EI templates.


Clone this repository into {data-dir}/typst/packages/{namespace}/tum-templates/{version}.

git clone https://github.com/lufixSch/tum-templates-typst.git {data-dir}/typst/packages/{namespace}/tum-templates/{version}

Here {data-dir} is the directory for local Typst packages:

  • $XDG_DATA_HOME or ~/.local/share on Linux
  • ~/Library/Application Support on macOS
  • %APPDATA% on Windows

{namespace} is the namespace you choose. In the following the local namespace is used. The package {version} can be obtained from the typst.toml file

Afterwards the package can be imported:

#import "@local/tum-templates:0.3.0": *


Typst WebAPP

Unfortunately this package is not yet available as an official Typst package. Therefore it can not be imported/installed in the Typst webapp. The easiest workaround is, to upload the utility.typ, the .typ file corresponding to the required template and the assets to your project.


Currently, the following templates are supported:

  • Article (tum-article): Generic scientific article
  • Beamer (tum-beamer): Presentation slides based on the touying package
  • Cheat-Sheet (tum-sheat-sheet): Cheat-sheet for exams

The template is initialized as follows. Arguments change depending on the specific template.

#import "@local/tum-templates:0.3.0": *

#show template.with(...)


The package also provides the following utility functions and variables:

  • tum-text-font: The font family used in tum documents
  • tum-blue: The TUM Brand Color
  • tum-info-block: Builds the TUM affiliation block often visible at the top of a document
  • tum-author: Builds an Author object as expected by some templates (for example tum-article)
  • tum-emphasize: Emphasize text by creating a bordered block with colors depending on the severity

Last page update: Thursday, February 27th 2025, 04:27:42 UTC

Many of the articles on this website are automatically generated from the markdown files in the corresponding repositories. This might lead to some unexpected results, so please let me know if you find any errors!

Some articles are still in German, but I am working on translating them. If you are interested in a specific article, don't hesitate to contact me!

If you want to get in touch, you can send me an email at lukas.schuettler@tum.de.