Latex Protocol Template

Template for lab protocols. Especially at the FH-JOANNEUM.


To setup this template for a protocol you can use the python script ./setup/ This script will ask you for name, subject, a new repository to connect to etc. All parameters are optional. You can run this script directly or with make init

The template works best when working in Visual Studio Code with the Latex Workshop extension. Alternatively you can use the makefile to create the pdf (make pdf).


The latex part of the project is all located in the src folder. The entry-file in each folder is called index.tex. When using Visual Studio Code the pdf will generated into the build folder.


This file is generated by the setup script. It contains a set of commands with information given in the setup process. You can always change this information by yourself.


This folder contains the different configurations for the document.


This folder is used for the actual content of the document.

The devicelist folder contains a preset of laboratory equipment wich can be changed and added to the document depending on your needs.

Last page update: Monday, September 16th 2024, 04:21:44 UTC

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