Assignment Template

LaTex template for general Assignments for example at University


This document needs to be built with latexmk.

latexmk -pdf -output-directory=$OUTDIR $ENTRYPOINT

To make this template easier to use, it includes a make file with build commands.

  • make pdf: Build the PDF document (output directory build/)
  • make listen: Listen to file changes and automatically build pdf
  • make clean: Remove build/ directory and rebuild PDF

By default the make file uses main.tex as entrypoint for the document but you can provide an alternative entrypoint by setting the FILE environment variable:

FILE=my_assignment.tex make pdf


The heading of the document can be configured by setting three commands:

  • \assignmentSubject: Subject of your assignment
  • \assignmentTitle: Title of the assignment (e.g. Assignment 1)
  • \assignmentAuthors: Author or Authors
  • \facultyHeader: Header for your specific faculty (see below)

For further personalisation you can use the usual scrartcl options. The assignment document class uses scrartcl as base class. If you pass any option/argument to the assignment class it will be passed through to scrartcl

Faculty Headers

The \facultyHeader command can be used to insert a faculty header before the title.

If you don’t want to use a faculty header, simply define \facultyHeader empty

TUM Headers

The Template includes a preset for the EI faculty at the Technische Universität München where you can insert the path to the department logo, the department name and name of the Professor.

\eiFacultyHeader{path/to/logo.png}{Department Name}{Professor Name}

There are also some departments already supported. You can find all commands in the tumheaders.sty package. If you want to add a new department, feel free to submit a pull request.

Last page update: Thursday, February 27th 2025, 04:27:42 UTC

Many of the articles on this website are automatically generated from the markdown files in the corresponding repositories. This might lead to some unexpected results, so please let me know if you find any errors!

Some articles are still in German, but I am working on translating them. If you are interested in a specific article, don't hesitate to contact me!

If you want to get in touch, you can send me an email at