Shell Setup

Scripts for easy shell backup/setup

At the moment the script supports MacOS with Homebrew and Manjaro Linux with KDE Plasma DE. The following configurations are saved:

  • Homebrew packages (Only MacOS)
  • Pacman packages (Only Linux)
  • KDE configuration (Only Linux)
  • LatteDock configuration (Only Linux)
  • Dotfiles
  • Python dependencies
  • Global venv dependencies (Only when the pyenv script is used)
  • Global NPM packages
  • VSCode settings and keyboard shortcuts
  • VSCode extensions
  • OMZ setup
  • OMZ plugins

DISCLAIMER: At the moment it is not possible to only backup specific data. It might work even if you don’t use all the tools listed above but there is no guarantee


create a private Fork of this repository and clone it into your $HOME directory. Add the bin/ folder to your path.

Create backups using shell-backup.

Before the first backup you might move the dotfiles you want to backup into the folder $HOME/shell_setup/dotfiles and create a symbolic link in your $HOME directory

If you have an existing backup clone your repository into the $HOME of a new machine and run shell-setup

Other Scripts

This repo also contains some simple utility scripts


Script which makes the usage of python venv easier. Allows you to create global or local environments and manage them. Backup of the global environments (dependencies) is supported by the backup script


Make a file executable (same as chmod 755,I am just lazy)


MacOS only

Show/hide hidden files in Finder

sf TRUE # Show hidden files
sf FALSE # Hide files


Remove Discord’s code signature so it can be used with VCam (might be unnecessary now)

Last page update: Thursday, February 27th 2025, 04:27:42 UTC

Many of the articles on this website are automatically generated from the markdown files in the corresponding repositories. This might lead to some unexpected results, so please let me know if you find any errors!

Some articles are still in German, but I am working on translating them. If you are interested in a specific article, don't hesitate to contact me!

If you want to get in touch, you can send me an email at