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ISEK is a python tool which helps to manage tasks by sorting them based on the Eisenhower Matrix. Beyond the concept of the Eisenhower Matrix it is able to fit tasks between appointments and to manage interdependent tasks.


Currently there is no way to directly install ISEK. It has to be build from source and installed using Poetry

poetry build
pip install ./dist/isek-<version>-py3-none-any.whl


ISEK can be used in various ways: as a CLI tool, as a Python library, or as an API (with the help of the isek_sdk package). Detailed descriptions on how to use each package can be found in the official documentation.



For development install the packages using Poetry and enter the venv which is created automatically.

poetry install --with dev <dependency groups>
poetry shell

Depending on your usecase you want to add the following optional dependency groups:

  • dev: General development dependencies
  • doc: Dependencies for building the docs
  • vis: Dependencies for visualizing/analyzing algorithms and data


Alternatively this repository contains devcontainers for VSCode which are recommended when working with the API. It automatically generates a PostgreSQL and PgAdmin container with a development configuration.

When entering the devcontainer the Poetry venv still needs to be activated

poetry shell


The repository contains some custom utilities located in the bin/ folder to improve the development experience.

  • Build the documentation including coverage report, API schema and CLI documentation
  • Check and/or Format code using flake8, black and isort
  • Run tests for some or all packages

Each utility comes with its own optional arguments to change its behaviour. You can check them with <utility>.py --help.


We’d love to have your contributions added to ISEK! If you would like to contribute, please follow these guidelines:

  1. Keep your pull requests as small as possible. Large pull requests are harder to review, merge, and test.
  2. Format/Check your changes using our formatting script bin/
  3. Add a test for any new functionality and make sure tests still pass after your changes. Use our testing script bin/ for running tests.
  4. Update documentation if necessary.


This project is licensed under the AGPLv3 license. See the LICENSE file for more information.

Last page update: Thursday, February 27th 2025, 04:27:42 UTC

Many of the articles on this website are automatically generated from the markdown files in the corresponding repositories. This might lead to some unexpected results, so please let me know if you find any errors!

Some articles are still in German, but I am working on translating them. If you are interested in a specific article, don't hesitate to contact me!

If you want to get in touch, you can send me an email at